COUNCIL 6451 NEWS 2020 To 2022
The Official Publication of Saint Aloysius Knights of Columbus #6451, Hickory NC




Check to The Maryvale Sisters in Vale, NCMaryvale Sisters
Grand Knight George Brown, Financial Secretary Barry Branham, SR. and
Knight Joe LaMonica delivered a check to the Maryvale Sisters in Vale, NC.

The Maryvale Sisters in Vale, NC operate a Day Care School that invites all children regardless of their race or religion to come and receive an early education. They teach Christ in faith formation and offer a food bank. A small farm helps to supplement their income.


Check to Seminarian Michael Camillericheck to Seminarian Michael Camilleri
Trustee Bob Hall and Deputy Grand Knight Bryan Clark (Pictured) traveled to St. Patrick's Cathedral in Charlotte, NC to deliver a check to Seminarian Michael Camilleri. While at the Cathedral 6451's knights joined in the 50 hours of adoration being held at that Church.


Council 6451 Received North Carolina's Unity AwardCouncil 6451 received North Carolina’s Unity award
Pictured is Grand Knight George Brown receiving the Unity Award which
Trustee Eddie Williams received for the Council at the State Convention.

The service programs performed by Councils within North Carolina are judged against a standard and those Councils that compare favorable to that standard are rewarded. The standard has three performance levels:
· Charity is the highest level of performance
· Unity is the second highest level of performance
· Fraternity is the third highest level of performance


Council 6451’s L.A.M.B program received recognition for attaining 104%
of its annual contribution goal for the fraternal year 2021-2022L.A.M.B Award 2022
Pictured is Grand Knight George Brown receiving the recognition award from Trustee Eddie Williams, who represented Council 6451 at the State Convention.


Jordan Boman To Attend 9th Annual Quo Vadis Days at Belmont Abbey
 Grand Knight George Brown presents a check from Council 6451 to Jordan Bown

A few weeks ago Sir Knight Phil Boman's son Jordan (a regular volunteer assisting our council at every event) expressed his desire to attend the 9th Annual Quo Vadis Days at Belmont Abbey College.  To quote the Charlotte Diocese website:
Quo Vadis Days is a five-day vocations discernment camp for young men at Belmont Abbey College.  The camp includes talks by local priests, seminarians, and others on the vocations to the priesthood, marriage, and fatherhood.
Ultimately, the goal of our Quo Vadis Days is to challenge young men to ask the fundamental question "quo vadis" or "where are you going?", while equipping them with the tools and opportunity to discern God's will for their life.
Grand Knight George Brown presented a check, on behalf of Council 6451, for Jordan's registration fees for this event.

Knowing Jordan we are sure he will derive great benefit from the camp,
as well as have much of value to share.


Council 6451Helps Seminarian Mateo Perez

Grand Knight George Brown presenting check to Seminarian Mateo Perez, one of two Belmont Abbey Seminarians chosen for sponsorship this year by Council 6451.
Grand Knight George Brown presenting check to Seminarian Mateo Perez, one of two Belmont Abbey Seminarians chosen for sponsorship this year by Council 6451.

Catawba Valley Special Olympics 2022

Council 6451 along with Assembly 1713 4th Degree Color Guard members joined the volunteer staff during this year's Catawba Valley Special Olympics. Sir Knights Phil Bowman, Bob Smith and Eddie led the opening procession of participants. Pictured are Knights Doug Gewan, Steve Purcell, Bryan Clark, Bob Hall, Rick Kohrs, and Phil Boman who were joined by Phil's wife Ann Bowman, and his son Jordan Bowman in operating the food sales booth for the event. Joan Mason (seated in Blue) of the State Special Olympics spent the day with our team.

Sir Knights Phil Bowman, Bob Smith, and Eddie Williams leading
the procession for the 2022 Catawba County Special Olympics

Invitation on Home Screen During Lent 2022
2022 Fish Fry
Who do we want to see this next Friday,  Grand Knight George Brown says YOU

Who do we want to see this next Friday?
Grand Knight George Brown says YOU!
Look at all the Fun we have had
Through the Years.
Of course it is about the food and service to others
Of course it is about the food
and service to others.
It's About Family
It's About Family.
It's about enjoyment of fellow Parishioners
It's about enjoyment of fellow Parishioners.
L.A.M.B NEWS - We made no announcements about L.A.M.B. but we did put the collection cans and tootsie rolls out on each table.  Over the Fish Fry event $252.00 was donated by those attending!  This had never been done at previous events, so it is an unexpectedly good result, and a piece to remember for future activities

End of 2022

Coats for the Children

Coats For The Children 2021

This year Council 6451 was able to donate 24 coats for the children in need within our Parish. In the photo (From left to right) Grand Knight George Brown, Advocate Steve Purcell, Council Chaplain Fr. Larry LoMonaco, Deputy Grand Knight Bryan Clark, and (in front)Isabel Romero who coordinated the distribution of the coats. ER EN ESPAÑOL

Council Check For Hickory Pregnancy Center

Check for Pregnancy Center
Grand Knight George Brown delivers Donation Check to LaWanda Brown of the Hickory Pregnancy Center. The Center offers medical services, information, and support by a team of medical professionals and pregnancy decision consultants for those with unplanned pregnancy. All at no cost. ER EN ESPAÑOL
Christmas Box of Joy 2021

A big Thank you goes out to all St Aloysius parishioners who participated in the “Box of Joy” program to bring Christmas gifts to children around the world, who most likely would not receive one this year.

The "Box of Joy” is a simple concept: A carton containing unassembled shoe-box sized boxes arrives. The boxes are distributed to parishioners to fill with clothing, toiletries, school supplies, toys, etc. for children in economically depressed or disaster areas of the world.

Over 365 boxes were collected!! The photo depicts the collected boxes with many of the youth of the parish, a number of catechists and members of the Knights of Columbus, who organized and managed the “Box of Joy” program for the parish. ER EN ESPAÑOL

Hilton Picnic

On July 17th Council Brothers and their families totaling over 95 people gathered at the Glen Hilton Park in Hickory to celebrate our ability to get together and have a picnic free of Covid restrictions.  Attendees brought salads,and deserts. The council provided hotdogs, hamburgers and all the condiments to round out an outdoor feast for everyone.

From 11am to 3pm besides the great food there were games, drawings for prizes and activities for all ages.


Thanks to Rodney (not at the table at the time) and Debbie for their outstanding job of welcoming everyone, checking folks on the list and providing name tags.

Their Off

The Sack Races were a favorite activity. Here we see Bob making a gelant try to win the race but the younger competitors won the day.

Water Balloon Toss It's not too easy to toss a squishy water balloon to your partner; especially as the distance gets wider!
Grand Noght Cream PiesOur Grand Knight being attacked by cream pie wielding young picnickers. ... Just having fun!
George Cream Face
A Good Sport!
New Officers Inducted for the Fraternal Year - 2021 / 2022

All Medals of Office were presented by Worthy Third Year Trustee Bob Hall
Worthy Trustee Bob Hall Congratulates Worhty Grand Knight George Brown on his Reinduction for the Fraternal Year 2021-2022
Worthy Trustee Bob Hall Congratulates PGK, Worthy Grand Knight George Brown on his Induction for the Fraternal Year 2021-2022.

Ching Williams (Center) Celebrates with Bob Hall and Wife Nancy on his Third Year Trustee Induction.
Worhty Trustee Bob Hall Reviews Induction Ceremony with Worthy Chaplain Father Larry LoMonaco
Bob Hall Reviews Induction Ceremony with Worthy Chaplain Father Larry LoMonaco.
PGK, Worthy Trustee Eddie Williams Inducted with His Wife ChingPGK, Eddie Williams, with his wife is Inducted as Second Year Trustee.

Worthy Financial Secretary Barry Branham Is Inducted with Wife Jean Marie.

Worthy Financial Secretary Barry Branham Is Inducted with Wife Jean Marie .

Worthy Trustee Bob Hall Congratulates Worthy Lecturer Ralph Houser
Bob Hall Congratulating Worthy Lecturer Ralph Houser on his Induction.
Worthy Trustee Bob Hall Congratulates Worthy Warden Ariel Fores on his Induction
Bob Hall Congratulating Worthy Warden
Ariel Flores on his Induction.
Thanks to All Who Attended!
Council 6451 Conducts U.S. Flag Retirement Ceremony
Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams, Sir Knight Bob Smith and Grand Knight George Brown officiating the Flag Retirement.
06/14/2021- Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams, Sir Knight Bob Smith and Grand Knight George Brown officiating the Flag Retirement. Below Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams prepares a section of the a flag for the respectful burning.
To view additional photos of the ceremony Click Here. (A New Page or Tab Will Open)
Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams prepares a section of the a flag for the respectful burning.
Our First All In-Person Meeting Since the Pandemic Hit the United States

Pictured, from left to right Seated: Steve Purcell
Front Row: Eddie Williams, Doug Gewand, Michael Perkett, Joseph Polermo, Harold Jones, Ralph Houser and Bill Matthews
Back Row: Ariel Flores, Roger Stewart, Christopher McGuire, Daniel Cassell, Barry Branham, Paul Quistorff, Paolo Martena, and Roy Nunez.

Attending, but not in the photo were George Brown, Jim Kearney, Harold Bayes, Rick Martin, Bryan Clark and James Rand.

Thanks to all who participated in this important event. Any additional comments or photos that should be included please e-mail the Council Webmaster Jim Kearney or Photographer Bryan Clark.

2021 Display of Flags Memorial
This year a small group of Sir Knights joined Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams in setting up the Memorial/Honorary Display of flags and banners at St. Aloysius Church in Hickory and St. Joseph Church in Newton. 

Each flag in Hickory has a tag with names of current or past members of our armed forces as requested by parishioners.  Ribbons demarking campaign(s), Prisoner of War, Purple Heart, and Gold Star veterans are attached to each flag. The names are also entered into a Book of Memories which is on display in the main hall of the church.

A thank you goes out to those who weathered the 90+ degree heat and assisted in this project:

The Crew: Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams, Sir Knights Bob Hall, Ralph Houser, Bryan Clark and Bob Smith
Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams looks on as a new name is added to the Book of Memories

We honor our Veterans for Serving our Country and Protecting our Freedoms.


Council #6451 New Fourth Degree KnightsFlanked by Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams (L) and Sir Knight Bob Smith (R)
Flanked by Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams (L) and Sir Knight Bob Smith (R) Are the Council's latest 4th Degree Knights - from the left, Sir Knights Bill McQuiston, Christopher McGuire, Bryan Clark, Freddie Garcia, and Roy Nunez.
Council #6451 Joins Other Councils in District 20 in
Cross Catholic Outreach - Box of Joy Program

Box of Joy is a very simple concept:  A carton containing unassembled shoe-box sized boxes are filled with toiletries, school supplies, toys, etc. for children in economically depressed areas of the world. Once filled, the boxes are collected, put into the provided shipping container, and sent to Cross Catholic Outreach for distribution.
DW Bob Hall, after a conversation with visiting priest Fr. Frank Iacona from the Diocese of St. George’s in Grenada, brought the concept along with the boxes, to our monthly District Round Table meeting. The idea was adopted and caught on quickly

District Warden Bob Hall and Grand Knight George Brown with the filled “Boxes of Joy” prior to placing them into the shipping containers

Learn more about Cross Catholic Outreach | Catholic Outreach Ministries for the Poor | Delivering food, shelter, and hope to the poorest of the poor.

Council 6451 Knights in Action Fall 2020


Past GK, Past DD, and District Warden Bob Hall reading during Patriotic RosaryPast GK, Past DD, and District Warden Bob Hall reading during Patriotic Rosary

Past Grand Knight and Worthy Navigator Eddie Willams Reading during the Patriotic RosaryPast Grand Knight and Worthy Navigator Eddie Williams Reading during the Patriotic Rosary

District Deputy Jacques Vadnais presents Grand Knight George Brown with the placque of recognition for Christ in Christmas.
Chancellor Freddie Garcia climbing the ladder to perform repairs on St. Aloysius church.Chancellor Freddie Garcia climbing the ladder to perform repairs on St. Aloysius church.
Knight Bob Smith, Chancellor Freddie Garcia, Grand Knight George Brown and Past Grand Knight Eddie Williams  during the Beatification event for Fr. McGivney
Knight Bob Smith, Chancellor Freddie Garcia, Grand Knight George Brown and Past Grand Knight Eddie Williams during the Beatification event for Fr. McGivney

Past Grand Knight Eddie Williams and Knight Bob Smith manning the table for KofC events and potential new member recruitment

Knight John Major with an unassembled box for BOX OF JOY program and then showing the assembled box for Cross Catholic Outreach.
Council #6451 Receives the Star Council Award for the Fraternal Year 2019-2020

Receiving the award is PGK, SK Eddie Williams (on the left in the top picture). Presenting the award is FDD, PGK, SK Bob Hall who offered two thumbs up to the council.

Three Lapel pins accompanied the award for the Membership Director, Program Director and the Grand Knight.
Past Grand Knight Eddie Williams awards Chancellor Freddie Garcia with the pin for his role in Council 6451 achieving the 2019 Star Counil Award.
November 9th, Past Grand Knight Eddie Williams awards Chancellor Freddie Garcia with the pin for his role in Council 6451 achieving the 2019 Star Council Award.
Past Grand Knight Eddie Williams awards Dept. Grand Knight Rick Khors the pin for his role as in Council 6451 achieving the 2019 Star Council Award.November 9th, Past Grand Knight Eddie Williams awards Dept. Grand Knight Rick Khors the pin for his role as in Council 6451 achieving the 2019 Star Council Award.
Gold Lettering Team for the Names in the Columbarium

On 10-07-2020 the team under the Guidance of Knight Steve Purcell refreshed the gold lettering for the names in the Columbarium. From the left, Glenn and Shirley Merlen, Doug Gewand (kneeling) Steve Purcell, Harold Jones

The process went very quickly, once Shirley taught us a new trick of the most efficient way to remove the paint.
During the Process

Thank you all for turning out to assist in this
project to help with the upkeep on this important memorial.

Monumento de los Caballeros de Colón para los no nacidos Iglesia de San Luis Hickory NC
Grand Knight George Brown, Dept. Grand Knight Rick Khors, Knight Bob Smith, Past Grand Knight Eddie  Williams (rear) and Recorder Ralph Houser
Grand Knight George Brown, Deputy Grand Knight Rick Khors, Knight Bob Smith, Past Grand Knight Eddie Williams (rear). Not in the picture Recorder Ralph Houser

Early on the morning of 2 October 2020 a group of St. Aloysius Church Council 6451’s Knights of Columbus arrived at the grassy hill next to St. Sebastian Chapel, located on the St. Aloysius Church grounds of Hickory, NC.  They began work with a prayer to follow God’s will and then proceeded to turn the hill into a graveyard of small white crosses.  

A sign was erected so that those passing the church could understand that this was the annual Memorial for the Unborn.  Each of the white crosses on the Church’s grounds represents 5 of the 3,000 innocent lives, victims of our Nation's culture of death, lost to abortion, daily.

This Annual Memorial has existed for over 20 years at St. Aloysius Church. The Knights of 6451, along with a large portion of our community, approach this annual event with a grim sense of the gravity of the situation, but also with the hope coming from the proclamation of the message of the Sanctity of Life as declared within the Gospels. During their work, the Knights erecting this Memorial pray that those in the position of making such a decision will understand the unnecessarily horrific burden of sin being taken on daily in our country.

During the little over 1 minute it took to read the above, 3 lives were taken, three futures destroyed, and the burden of sin taken on by all involved:  through abortion.

Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.
Matthew 25:45

Dept. Grand Knight and Warden Bryan Clark putting up crosses
Deputy Grand Knight and Warden Bryan Clark putting up crosses
Knights of Columbus Memorial for the Unborn   St. Aloysius Church  Hickory NC.Knights of Columbus Memorial for the Unborn St. Aloysius Church Hickory NC.
Council #6541 Welcome Visiting Priest, Rev. Francesco Iacona

From left - Deacon Bill, Ed Halle, George Brown, Fr. Frank,
Bryan Clark

Fr. Frank celebrated masses at Saint Aloysius parish the weekend of September, 26th and 27th. He is a priest of the Diocese of St. George’s in Grenada and a 4th Degree Knight.

His visit was on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach a Catholic relief and development ministry that provides food, shelter, medical care, water, education, self-help programs, care for orphans, and emergency relief to the poorest of the poor in Dioceses around the world in the name of Christ. 95.45% of all donations go to program services.

As an official Catholic organization, they are registered with the Diocese of Palm Beach in South Florida and are listed in the Official Catholic Directory.

to learn more about Cross Catholic Outreach

Click Here


About Fr. Frank Iacona

Fr. Frank was born in Montelepre, Sicily, near Palermo. As a child he moved with his family to overcome poverty, first to Canada and then the U.S. He is the author of a book, Peace and Joy, a Path for Our Spiritual Quest, leads retreats, and preaches full-time for Cross Catholic Outreach.

From Left - Bryan Clark, George Brown, Fr. Frank Iacona,
Roy Nunez

Our Newest Member During Covid-19
Newest Knight of Council 6451 Fernando Mejia during his online Combined Degree Exlemplificatio with Grand Knight George Brown
We welcome our newest Knight to Council 6451, Fernando Mejia.
The Picture above was taken during Fernando's online
Combined Degree Exemplification with Grand Knight George Brown
This message was presented to the attending
members during our virtual meeting August 10, 2020

SK George Brown GK
The theme for tonight’s meeting will be on our focus for the rest of this year.

I have presented Father Larry with a letter of support for our Priests, our Parish and its members. This is to let him know that this year’s focus will be on working with the Parish committees which have the same goals as most of our own.

With the Covid-19 Pandemic that is upon us. The radical groups that want to tear up our Constitution that Guarantees our Freedom of speech and worship. The Radical Movement Groups trying to rewrite our history and demonize our faith. Those direct attacks on Christianity and our Catholic Faith.

It would be naive to think they are going away soon.

I feel it is time to stand up and pronounce our faith and be counted.

We as Knights of Columbus have taken an oath to support our Church and our faith. Let us join with our priests and Parish to make a visible statement, followed up by action. I propose to work in conjunction with the Parish Committees to help get our mutual goals accomplished and put our attentions where they belong.

We are being tested. I for one will not fail “HIM”!

Grand Knight and Servant
George Brown

Three Councils, One Worthy Project (Story uploaded 7/16/20)

Knights of Columbus Council members from St. Aloysius Council 6451 (Hickory, NC), St. Joseph's Council 9746 (Newton, NC), and the new Holy Trinity Council 17510 (Taylorsville, NC) joined forces in a multi-session project assisting Eagle Rock Camp prepare a new office in Newton, NC for opening. Lynn Marilla of Eagle Rock Camp oversaw the efforts, and progress went amazingly fast.  Everything from painting the walls, drywall work, pulling up old carpet, scraping off glued down padding, and laying new flooring accomplished in just a few days.
Eagle Rock Camp is a unique healing experience working with not only veterans, but includes their families as a unit, to repair and prepare them to function as a vibrant group post deployment.  Lynn shared the fact that, of their clients, divorce is down dramatically from the national average for veterans. A zero percent (0%) suicide rate has been maintained among clients, both for the veterans and their spouses:   a virtually unknown situation for our returning veterans and their families. To put it in much clearer terms Lynn shared Eagle Rock Camp's mission statement:

Saving Families. Saving Lives.

Eagle Rock Camp, through faith in action, brings military families together to heal, reconnect in their communities, restore their hope and emerge as an empowered, purpose driven unit.
For those interested in further information of this worthy program, and their amazing results, here is a link to their website:  https//

In a conversation with Assembly 1713's Worthy Navigator, Eddie Williams, Lynn has been invited to be guest speaker at the fourth degree's August Assembly  meeting with the intentions to pursue a long term relationship between the two groups.

Thank you to the following:

From Holy Trinity Council (Taylorsville, NC) 17510:  Bob Hall

From St. Joseph's Council (Newton, NC) 9746:

Denny Shell, and Jim "Bradley" Little
From St. Aloysius Council (Hickory, NC) 6451:  Bryan Clark

Also assisting from the St. Aloysius Parish: Bob Kearns, Jim Durbin, and Carol Monohan.


finished flooring

Bob Hall (Council 17510-Taylorsville) scraping the paddingBob Hall (Council 17510-Taylorsville) scraping the padding
Bob Hall (Council 17510-Taylorsville) scraping the padding.
Bradley Little (Council 9746) Painting the doorBradley Little (Council 9746)
Painting the door
Denny Shell (Council 9746) mixing the paintDenny Shell (Council 9746)
mixing the paint

4th Degree Assembly Present Colors at Annual Patriotic Rosary 2020

      St. Aloysius held their annual Patriotic Rosary on Tuesday, July 23rd.  Joan Moran, a parishioner of St. Aloysius, has promoted this prayerful event for a number of years.  The opening and closing prayers were led by Deacon Bill Schreiber. The Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly 1713, who attend every year processed into the Sanctuary with the American flag to post the colors. Those in attendance prayed for the conversion of our country, for the leadership of our nation, for every state by name, and for every soul who resides in every state.  The congregation sang patriotic songs and hymns after each decade of the rosary. God Bless America
From an article by: Bobby Speers

Pictured (L to R):  SK Bob Smith, SK Eddie Williams PGK, Joan Moran (center),
SK Steve Purcell, and brother Knight Mike Hrabovsky.

Council Virtual Business Meetings
Grand Knight Eddie Williams leads the virtual meething through the praying of the Novena
Grand Knight Eddie Williams leads the virtual meeting through the praying of the Novena

This is what a participant sees during the virtual meeting.

Grand Knight Eddie Williams Recieving the Champion Award, presented by Grand Knight Elect George Brown Grand Knight Eddie Williams Receiving the Champion Award, presented by Grand Knight Elect George Brown.
Grand Knight Eddie Williams (left) Initiates a Ceremony of the Passing of the Gavel to  Grand Knight Elect George Brown
Grand Knight Eddie Williams (left) Initiates a Ceremony of the Passing of
the Gavel to Grand Knight Elect George Brown
Document read and recorded for the Passing of the GavelDocument read and recorded
for the Passing of the Gavel.

Even our fellow Knights who cannot be present, due to the Pandemic, may virtually participate in receiving awards.


June Knight of the Month

Council Continues the Tradition
of Handing Out Roses
Bob Hall and Eddie Williams (giving out rose)
Bob Hall and Eddie Williams giving out rose.
George Brown giving out RosesGeorge Brown giving out Roses
Bryan Clark giving out Rose for Mother's Day
Bryan Clark giving out Rose for Mother's Day

Memorial Day Weekend Brother Knights Pass Out
Prayer Cards During Parking Lot Holy Communion
Eddie Williams Passing out Veteran Prayer Cards on Memorial WeekendEddie Williams Passing out Veteran Prayer Cards
Prayer CardPrayer Cards
Rick Kohrs passing out Veteran Prayer Cards on Memorial WeekendRick Kohrs passing out Veteran Prayer Cards

Fr. Larry looking Dapper in his white robes Memorial Day Weekend

Fr. Larry looking Dapper in his white robes

Fr. Nohe distributing the Host On Memorial Day Weekend

Fr. Nohe distributing the Host


Knight of the Month Award
Grand Knight Eddie Williams awards Bryan Clark the Knight of the Month (May) Award
Grand Knight Eddie Williams awards
Bryan Clark the Knight of the Month of May 2020

Sunday March 29th Founder's Day Celebration


The prayer card of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney (the Founder of our Order) were passed out in the church parking lot. A banner of Father McGivney was also on display.

Both English and Spanish versions of the prayer card were available.


Chancellor Freddie Garcia (ball cap) and Grand Knight Eddie Williams at founder's dayChancellor Freddie Garcia (ball cap) and
Grand Knight Eddie Williams at founder's day
Passing out prayer cards for Founder's day during drive up communionPassing out prayer cards for
Founder's day during drive up communion
Grand Knight Eddie Williams, Knight Bryan Clark during Founder's Day eventGrand Knight Eddie Williams,
Knight Bryan Clark during Founder's Day event


Knight of the Month Award
Grand Knight Eddie Williams (left) presensts Grand Knight Elect George Brown with the Knight of the Month Award
Grand Knight Eddie Williams (left) presents Grand Knight Elect
George Brown with the Knight of the Month of April 2020

Knights Attend Catholic Men's Conference
March 2020

From Left Knights Ralph Houser, Eddie Williams, Bob Hall, Bryan Clark, Steve Purcell, Frank Corsi, John Major, Bob Smith, Scott Major. Darwin Sigmon in Red coat
District Deputy Bob Hall, Fr. Larry Richards, Knight Bryan ClarkDistrict Deputy Bob Hall, Fr. Larry Richards, Knight Bryan Clark

St. Matthews Church. Site of the 10th annual Catholic Men's Conference of the Carolinas 3 7 2020


Brother Knight Lenny Fisher
February 18, 1958 - April 1, 2020
Brother Knight David Phillips
August 20,1955 – May 26, 2020  
Pregnancy Care Center in Hickory
Receives Council's 2020 Support Check
On Tuesday February 18th four knights from Council 6451 stopped by the Pregnancy Care Center in Hickory, NC to present a check for $1,000 from our council to their director Renee Bently.
(Pictured left to right are DD, PGK, Bob Hall, GK,Eddie Williams, Renee Bently and Brother Knights Frank Corsi and Ralph Houser.)

Fish Fry 2020
This is by far our biggest fund raiser of the year and we need
Sign-Up today for your spot on one of our Fish Fry Teams

1st Lenten Fish Fry – Friday February 28th
2nd Lenten Fish Fry – Friday March 6th
3rd Lenten Fish Fry – Friday March 13th
4th Lenten Fish Fry - Friday March 20th
5th Lenten Fish Fry - Friday March 27th
6th Lenten Fish Fry - Friday April 3rd

Our Lady Queen of the Apostles Church in Alexandria, VA

Our Lady Queen of the Apostles
In front of the Basilica of the National Shrine in Washington, D.C.
During The March

During the March

Worthy Chancellor Freddy Garcia &
Family in front of the U.S. Capitol

front of the U.S. Capitol

Grand Knight Eddie Williams and Father Nohe at the March in D.CFather Nohe

Grand Knight Eddie Williams and Father Nohe at the March


Father Nohe in front of the Capitol

Father Nohe in front of the Capitol


Waiting for the bus for the return trip to Hickory

Waiting for the bus Waiting for The Bus
Rick Kohrs-Dec-2019

Knights of the Month for December 2019
Rick Kohrs, left - Ralph Houser,Right & Marc St.Germain (not pictured)

Knights of The Month-Hispanic-Brothers

Knights of the Month for November 2019
Our Hispanic Brothers from the Parking Lot Paint Crew