COUNCIL 6451 NEWS 2024 - 2023
The Official Publication of
Saint Aloysius Knights of
Columbus #6451,
Hickory NC
Kiwanis Park 2024 Knights of Columbus Picnic! |
Trustee Barry Branham and Financial Secretary Harold Jones cut the Ham and Turkey!! |
Smiling Attendees |
Council Mascot Jordan Bowman teamed with Program Director Bob Hall, note incoming red bag! |
Ladies Auxiliary Co-Founder Kim Clark teams up with Financial Secretary Harold Jones in Cornhole |
Once again, the Lord blessed us with unexpectedly good weather! On May 18th the Confraternity of Catholic Mothers, Knights of Columbus, future Knights, Ladies Auxiliary, and their families joined together for Food, Fun, and Fellowship at the Kiwanis Park in Hickory for the 2024 Knights of Columbus Family Potluck Picnic!
Forty-one attendees (not counting the bubble-blowing Red Crab that roamed our shelter) all joined in with smiles, appetite, and conversation! A heartfelt thank you to all who planned, organized, set up, cooked, helped clean up but especially for those who attended!
A special thanks to this year’s Planning Team (Lynn McDonald and Bryan Clark), Marc St. Germain for coming in Friday to load up all the chairs and tables on his trailer and hauling them to/back from the Picnic as well as Barry Branham for getting up at 4 am and cooking the meat!!!
One of the most popular attendees the Bubble Blowing Red Crab
Smiling Faces Celebrating Mother's Day |
On May 11th and 12th the Knights of Columbus distributed roses in celebration of Mother's Day. This event, according to Grand Knight Bryan Clark, is one looked forward to every year by both the Ladies and the Knights, allowing us to recognize the ladies on their special day.
This year we acquired 800 roses (Thank you Barry Branham) and were blessed with about 30 leftover roses, which were taken to Kingston Place for distribution to the ladies residing in that community!! |
Council 6451 Supports Rose TLC |
Council 6451's Program Director Bob Hall (L) and Knight JP Reynolds (R) presenting John Featherstone of The Rose TLC a check from Council 6451. For more about The Rose, please check out their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/therosetlc |
2024 Pregnancy Care Center Bottle Drive Kicks Off |
This year the Ladies Auxiliary promoted and organized the Stuff the Bottle Campaign for the Pregnancy Care Center of Catawba County. Ladies distributed the 200 bottles over all the Masses and will collect them on Father's Day weekend. STAY TUNED for the results!!! |
Highway To Hedges Founder Receives Support Check |
In the photo is Council 6451 Ed Halle (who is a volunteer at Highways and Hedges) who is presenting a check from Council 6451 to Highways and Hedges Founder Phillip Williams. To see a brief video explaining what Highways and Hedges does, please click on the attached QR code.
Photo by GK Bryan Clark. |
Welcoming New Knights to Council #6451 |
New Knights: Bonifaico Gutierrez Hernandez, Alfredo Lomal, Angel Cruz Mendoza, Erik Ramirez Mejia, Jesus Reyes, Enriques Sanchez, Simeain Rameriez Perez, Francisch Voleivcia Stand with Grand Knight Bryan Clark |
2024 Third Degree Knights
New third Degree Knights Daniel Tellez-Chavez, Ed Niemczura, and Frederick Andrino with Grand Knight Bryan Clark after the Exemplification. |
Also we held our first Spanish Language Combined Degree Exemplification!
Our Council now has 8 new 3rd Degree members: Benifacio Gutierrez Hernandez, Alfredo Lomeli, Angel Cruz Mendoza, Erik Ramirez Mejia, Jesus Reyes, Enrique Sanchez, Simeain Rameriez Perez, and Francisco VaLeivcia.
Welcome aboard, we look forward to getting to know you and sharing our Faith and participating in service in the future!
A special thank you to our fellow Knights who made this possible: Deacon Francisco, Freddie , Victor, and Roberto Herrera who were joined by Bill Matthews, Bob Hall, Matt McDonald, Bart Boodee, Ladies Auxiliary members Lynn McDonald and Jennifer Soto, and Bryan Clark in a very successful ceremony held in
Holy Family Hall. Many family members observed the event! |
Field agent Bill Matthews (left) and (on the right) Guest Field Agent Miguel Flores and his team were on hand
to provide the vital information that brought the understanding that, on top of the work
and fraternal bonds formed by being a Knight of Columbus, membership can bring real
benefits to our families.
Also pictured Council 6451 Grand Knight Bryan Clark. |
Parish Day of Reflection |
On 24 February 2024 several Knights were at St. Aloysius Catholic Church early in the morning finalizing preparations for North Carolina Knights of Columbus State Chaplain Fr. Bill Lesak to be the Presiding Priest over a special 8:00 Mass and then conduct a Parish Day of Reflection.
This event, cohosted by St. Aloysius Parish and Council 6451, was attended by 66 parishioners. Fr. Larry LoMonaco, Parish Pastor, utilized the event as the Parish Lenten Mission this year. Was it a success?
Several parishioners, once the event concluded, commented thanking the Knights and Fr. Larry for providing this opportunity, and that this type of event is something that our Parish family enjoys and expressed a desire for more of this type of experience.
The topics covered during the program were: Three forms of Discipleship, The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and The Church in the 21st Century.
We thank State Chaplain Fr. Lesak for connecting with our parishioners in a real and meaningful way. |
End of 2024 |
KofC #6451 Welcomes Enrique Sanchez |
2022-2023 Top Community Award Division IV |
During the NC West Council Leadership Training seminar (attended by Financial Secretary Harold Jones, Chancellor Matt McDonald, and Grand Knight Bryan Clark) on 22 July 2023, Council 6451 received the Top Program Award for Community for North Carolina’s Division IV. The award was in recognition of the celebration held in 2022 for Fr. Larry’s combined ordination anniversary and birthday celebration. |
Celebrating 50 Years |
On March 25, 2023, over 100 people, consisting of Clergy members, Knights, family members, and special guests, gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Charter for Hickory North Carolina Knights of Columbus Council 6451. Donations, targeted strictly for this event, funded the night’s festivities, including a challenge from one Past Grand Knight to all other PGK’s of the council to meet his donation, a challenge which was generously accepted. To View More Photos of the 50th Event Click Here |
An Amazing Fish Story |
This year’s Lenten Fish Fry was a tremendous success for many different reasons. The hard work done in the background by Knights, who have requested to not be mentioned, every year to order, organize and run the fish fry. Three amazing donations were received this year with allowed us, when other groups were increasing the price of their meals, to lower the price back down to the pre-Covid-19 price of $10.00 per meal for adults, $5.00 for Kids, and expand our menu back to the full set of potential side dishes from which to choose.
Added to this: the efforts of the Ladies Auxiliary to secure advertising for us not only on Radio, and on the internet, but in inviting Wesley Hawn, The Carolina Foodie, to sample and review our Lenten Fish Fry on his Facebook venue.
Volunteers working during preparation, setup, serving, take down and cleanup, seeing repeat visitors as well as many who have never been to our Fish Fry before, and a lot of Fish and Green Beans went into setting the record of serving an average of 335 customers during the six meals served. Yes, 2009 meals!
+A huge thank you to all of the Knights, Ladies Auxiliary, our church Youth volunteers, and parishioners who are working hard in an effort to make this year’s Fish Fry a record breaker, allowing our Council the opportunity to expand or renew our work with our supported charities and endeavors Click Here to View More Fish Fry Pictures |
On March 18th, 2023, (From left to right) Sir Knight Phil Bowman, and his son Jordan Bowman joined Grand Knight Bryan Clark and Faithful Navigator Eddie Williams at the Catholic Men's Conference of the Carolinas. Mass, adoration, several VERY inspirational speakers as well as an opportunity to venerate the 1st class Relic of Knights of Columbus founder Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney, as well as create 3rd class relics! A day that will be long remembered, and an everyone is looking forward to next year's event |
Conover School Receives Donation Form Council #6451 |
Pictures were taken during the LAMB Foundation check presentation. The Conover School is a public separate school for students with disabilities located in Conover, North Carolina. |
The Passing of The Gavel for the Fraternal Year 2022 / 2023 |
Past Grand Knight George Brown passing the Gavel to Incoming Worthy Grand Knight Bryan Clark. |
End of 2023